Real Estate Investor Magazine July 2024 Edition | Page 107


Example Four - Entrepreneur Business Training Ryan wanted to get out of debt completely . He began to pay himself first and quickly he built-up a nest egg of over twenty thousand rands . He found an entrepreneur class that taught him how to start his own online business . He spent his entire ‘ Pay Yourself First ’ savings on the course .
Three reasons to do the course : 1 . The course was laid out well and , if he did his part , he ’ d have an online business up and running at the end of it .
2 . After doing some research , he was able to determine the company offering the course had a good reputation .
3 . It was an area of interest for him , and he was passionate about it . Plus , he already had knowledge all things web and marketing ..
Today , with a little more money from his ‘ Pay Yourself First ’ savings , Ryan has created his business that he has made an asset from little more than