Real Estate Investor Magazine December/January Edition 2024 | Page 65

Super Regionals
Super regional centres achieved the highest market rental rate of R307.97 per square meter in September 2024 , despite experiencing a contraction in trading density growth . The growth rate for super regionals was 2.9 % year-on-year , the second-highest of all categories .
Clur notes : “ Super regionals have held the top growth performer position since 2021 , but since July 2024 , smaller centres have begun to outperform . However , super regionals still command the highest rental rates , showcasing the enduring value of large-scale centres in premium locations .”
Small Regional Centres
Small regional centres , in contrast , showed the highest trading density growth of 3.7 % year-on-year , surpassing even super regionals . They also posted a strong rental growth rate of 6 %, making them the top performers in terms of year-on-year rental growth .
Clur comments : “ Small regionals have increasingly become the go-to spaces for consumers seeking local , accessible retail . The shift towards these centres underscores a broader trend towards social impact retail , where retailers focus on serving the community and local economic needs .” Small regionals also experienced a slight increase in trading density growth compared to Q2 and Q4 2023 , suggesting resilience despite broader market challenges .