Real Estate Investor Magazine August 2024 edition | Page 34

Still , I understand . With the rising costs of living , high unemployment rate , uncertain economic climate , etc . many people feel like they have to stay put in the same job . However , it is possible to break free from this cycle and experience financial freedom . My question to you is , what are you doing to get out of the rat race ? Or have you resigned to keep running in circles forever ?
What the experts say about escaping the rat race
According to Warren Buffet , we should never depend on a single income . His view is that we need to invest to create a second source of income . He also famously said , “ If you don ’ t find a way to make money while you sleep , you will work until you die .” I don ’ t know about you , but I ’ d rather try the first way .

“ The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win , you ’ re still a rat .” - Lily Tomlin

Robert Kiyosaki is another famous investor who says that the poor trade time for money , whereas the rich trade money for time . I ’ ve said this before , but I want to reiterate it : Time is the most precious commodity you will ever have . Therefore , you need to nurture it , as well as your health , more than anything else ! You want to be able to own your time and work because you enjoy working , not because you have to or because you need a salary at the end of the month .
Creating a second source of income
If we want to succeed , we have to intentionally create and build pathways that can bring us secondary sources of income . Preferably these should be more passive because passive income is a key to financial freedom . But as I ’ m sure you know , this is not going to happen by itself , and it is not going to happen easily . You are going to have to be very intentional about it and build towards it every day .