Real Estate Investor December 2022/January 2023 | Page 11

RETHA VAN ROOYEN to sell to petshops as pet food for snakes and spiders . That didn ’ t work out , and after trying and failing in a vending machine business and then a rabbit meat business I was nearly ready to give up on entrepreneurial ideas .”
But just as I was at my lowest the second epiphany happened after reading Robert Kiyosaki ’ s influential book Rich Dad Poor Dad . It struck a deep chord with me and after much thought , I decided to invest in myself and my future by signing up for quite an expensive three day training course . I must have looked shell shocked when I walked out of the presentation because one of the presenters saw me , gave me a hug and said that although this is scary , you will be laughing about this day a year from now . He was wrong - it only took six months to laugh about that day .”
Retha and her family moved to Cape Town later that year and she was eager to take advantage of the booming property market . “ I reviewed hundreds of properties and rental models but none made sense in terms of return on investment . That is until one of my property investment students - Lihle King Nxoyi - came to me with a potential property which could be developed for student
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine DECEMBER 2022 / JANUARY 2023 11