Real Estate Investor December 2020 December/January 2021 | Page 6

Is it not seen as unpatriotic to invest your money in another country ?
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Is it not seen as unpatriotic to invest your money in another country ?



he world has become a smaller place now , it allows eased movement of money across the globe and that gives you the ability to invest your money in jurisdictions outside of South Africa . From an asset protection point of view , I think it is wise and sensible not to have all your eggs in one basket . We are currently working with two extremely patriotic South Africans , their mindset is the same , they love South Africa and they wanted a plan B , they wanted an opportunity to protect and invest their money into the UK market . They wanted to invest their money into the worlds first economy and enjoy what the country has to offer .



et us not forget that the UK is a wealthy little Island because the people in the UK invested their money all over the world centuries ago . All that wealth is now coming back there in the form of profits . So , it is incredibly wise that we invest in countries so that we can get returns and repatriate the money back to South Africa . This will allow us to reemploy the money and be able to live on it . The argument can be that we are doing a patriotic thing by investing the money in the place that we can get returns from .
4 DECEMBER / JANUARY 2021 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine