REI Rode Virtual Property Conference
The best education options to make money in real estate
The new way is more Webinars !
Take part in REI Talks
In this ' new world ', individuals , businesses and governments have had to adapt quickly . With the implementation of social distancing , it became imperative for businesses to move online . In these unfortunate times , REI has found opportunities in obstacles . We have completely digitalised our magazine , refined and improved our REI podcast platform and we are continuously developing reimag . co . za on which you can consume all content for FREE !
Real Estate Investor ( REI ) used this opportunity to invest in a new form of content dissemination - virtual events . Webinars have become an essential in our mission to educate investors and to offer more accessible , more affordable and more frequent advice .
Here we offer informative and imperative content for all persons intending to invest in the real estate sector as well as current real estate investors and all those who seek to keep in touch with the direction of the South African and African economies and trends . We have partnered with massive brands and key players in the real estate sector to ensure the highest standard of quality .
Anchored by the founder of Real Estate Investor , Neale Petersen , we have hosted over 30 webinars in the past 5 months . That is at least 10 hours expert panelist presentations , debates and advice each month . View our list of our most popular webinars , covering a multitude of topics , formats with a diverse panel of industry experts :
REI Rode Virtual Property Conference
Focusing on various topics within the real estate industry , Real Estate Investor has collaborated with Rode & Associates ( Pty ) Ltd to bring you a three-part digital property conference . Featuring major brands , analysts and real estate investors . The series focusses on the future of the real estate industry and draws in on other factors that affect the prosperity of the property sector in South Africa .
Here , each day had its own topic , and you are encouraged to take a listen to the content of the first broadcast with the topic : The future of the South African Economy . Among other topics the panelists discussed The state of the commercial property market – industrial , retail and office sectors and looked at Prospects for the SA Residential Market
The best education options to make money in real estate
Featuring the best in the financing category within the real estate sector . In this webinar , our panelists talk about the multiple property education courses & training options that first time home buyers hoping to break into the lucrative property market can make use of , to enjoy the rewards of their investments .
12 DECEMBER / JANUARY 2021 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine