Real Estate Investor Dec/Jan 2022 December/January 2022 | Page 54

larvae and will lay their eggs in the balls . Just because an investment property like poo may be in bad conditions ( in a marginal area or simply discarded by other investors ), it doesn ’ t mean it cannot be a massive deal for you .


Sharing Information can Save your Life When driving through vast wild areas like the Kruger Park you can go on for hours seeing little to no wildlife other than impalas ; to fast track your spotting success you might want to have a tracker in the front of your vehicle that is single mindedly focused as well as a radio-system to share info between vehicles about tracks and sightings in other areas .
How different is in the Property Bush ? Not really . Surround yourself with trackers and invest in a good “ communication ” system with other like-minded investors .
D . I . Y . is Dangerous


The bush is beautiful and dangerous at the same time . You wouldn ’ t go for a walk in the bush on your own , right ? You would want to go with somebody with a rifle , good shooting skills and experience . The Property Market is equally exciting and dangerous . Do D . I . Y at your risk and peril .
26 DEC / JAN 2022 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine