Real Estate Investor August 2022 | Page 189

franchisees who have picked up ways to improve business operations . Franchisees can ’ t dictate and franchisors can ’ t be rigid .


The franchisee must respect the whole and understand his or her role in the bigger picture . Similarly , franchisors need to understand that each franchise owner will be unique and will have different needs and wants . This truly is a fine balancing act of people who are , at best , vastly different . Franchise owners can ’ t go off on a tangent . They will be going against a winning formula that has been proven to work . They need to take an internal view and see themselves as one cog in a finely tuned machine . Bucking the system can cause untold damage to the bigger picture . If each entity sees the other as different but equally important , the formula will thrive .


In a nutshell , the franchise owner ’ s vision is to grow a franchise into a successful business . The franchisor ’ s vision is to keep the customer happy and the product consistent . They can find their ‘ happily ever after ’ if they understand the difference in vision and keep working towards a common goal .
Ricardo Maio Chief Executive Officer Infinity Brands
SA Real Estate Investor Magazine AUGUST 2022 189