“ The way you do your work is more important than how much work you do .”
30 . The right investment for you
For years , The Property Coach has been working on crafting a reliable methodology to beat the averages when it comes to return on property investing . How do we spot the difference between sustainable and unsustainable growth in property prices ?
32 . New take on an old tradition
Covid-19 has done many things , but key among them has been to expose our frailties as social animals . However , technology has stepped into the breach and it has helped us stay connected , but is the connection sufficient ?
38 . Redefining the workspace through digital transformation
Digital transformation is the use of technology to radically improve the performance and reach of an organisation . For many businesses the process of transforming the workspace and going digital has been catalysed .
28 APRIL 2021 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine