Real Estate in Turkey The Turkish Lira Challenges the Fabricated Crises | Page 5

The language of numbers does not lie These failed attempts work to employ any temporary circumstances, such as elections, only to undermine the country's capabilities. On the economic front, the language of numbers does not lie and the historic growth in foreign export traffic has broken the $ 30 billion mark in the last 12 months for the auto manufacturing sector, a new record for the Turkish economy, the number of tourists has steadily increasedand is expected to reach 200 million passengers by 2018, While foreign investments achieved within various development sectors and fixed assets such as real estate unprecedented achievements where foreign investment reached record levels of US $ 4-5 billion, and the Turkish Ministry of Economy expects this figure to reach US $ 10 billion. Edited by: Imtilak Real Estate. Source: A - Habar + other sources