Real Estate in Turkey The Inheritance Law and the Transfer-Inheritance T
Property seekers and real estate investors often ask for inheritance law in Turkey, which many
find troubling:
What are the procedures of inheritance and related laws in Turkey?
How will the property of the deceased be handled and who will get them? And what is its
Can the government acquire the foreign investor's property after his death?
Are there inheritance taxes? Does the Turkish citizen differ from a foreigner in the tax’s value?
And other questions of interest to every investor about the legacy of real estate in Turkey, we
review the information, facts, and laws related to this article, to serve as a comprehensive guide
includes answers to the most pressing questions about inheritance law and inheritance tax in
Inheritance of property in Turkey
The inheritance law in Turkey includes foreigners, and a foreign can bequeath his property to his
heirs according to the law governing it.
Law of real estate inheritance in Turkey
The issue of inheritance is a fundamental legal concern for investors. It is considered one of the
most important things that an investor needs to gather enough information about before
investing in any foreign country and ensures the ability to preserve immovable property in order
to preserve his property.
In Turkey, the state clearly describes all aspects of inheritance law, inheritance tax, and property
transfer, because of the many legal aspects, different situations, and sometimes exceptional
The principle followed in Turkish inheritance laws:
At first it must be known that the principle governing the laws of Turkish inheritance is the
"location of the property", that is, what regulates the mechanism of legal dealing with the
property is its location, the Turkish law is applicable when dealing with ownership of a property
located within the territory of the Turkish Republic, including real estate and immovable
In addition, what foreign investors must know when buying a property in Turkey is that the
movable property is subject to the laws of inheritance in the country the deceased hold its
citizenship, while Turkish law is followed in respect of real estate and immovable property.
Who are the immediate heirs of real estate in Turkey?
In the absence of an officially certified will, the legal heirs of immovable property in Turkey are
determined in the following serial order: