Summary: Learn about smart homes that can be controlled by remotes, a new fad in the real
estate world in Turkey, just like Istanbul Palace, Romance Smart Apartments, and Beylikdüzü
Smart homes are a new fad, in Turkey real estate world, many of the construction companies
have begun considering. When we say 'smart homes,' we mean those homes that use modern
technology. They are fully automated as they rely on technology in all the home parts, and yes
that means you can, by a push on a button, control everything in your home, from the lights to
the water taps, electrical appliances, TV, air conditioners, kitchen, temperature, and even the
doors and curtains.
Furthermore, windows would automatically close when you turn on the air-conditioning system,
and what is incredible about these smart homes is that they are equipped with an integrated
information network to alert people and protect them from diseases. These homes understand
what you want, and, to a far extent, do almost everything for your comfort.
Their smart system serves the following:
Opening doors using cards or fingerprints.
Controlling air conditioners from outside the home.
Lights with sensors that would light up automatically when entering the place.
Multi-room speaker system and security cameras in the children's rooms.
HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning), security, safety, and energy saving.
Opening windows during the day and automatically closing them at night.
Remote control via SMS.
Alerting when the food in the refrigerator is corrupted.
Monitoring dew levels on your garden plants and reminding you to water them.
Turning on the air conditioners automatically, at low or high temperatures.
Closing the windows automatically either when turning on the air conditioners, or at
high temperatures.
Alerting when the daily newspaper arrives.
Turning off the lights automatically when turning on the home theater, or when you go
Alerting about any attempts of home theft, or tries to enter prohibited areas.
Alerting automatically in cases of an emergency, when you are outside, and
automatically calling the police and firefighters when a fire started inside the home.
External security cameras that can distinguish between a salesman and a thief trying to
break the door lock.