Real Estate in Turkey Important Information About the Turkish Real Estat | Page 2
Corporations Tax: imposed on the profits obtained from real estate transactions and rental
income with a ratio of %20. This includes capital gains.
Income Tax: Individuals who earn income from rental property are charged with paying income
tax gradually rising from %15 to %35.
VAT Tax: between %1, %8 and %18 depending on the type of products or services provided,
imposed on the residential properties of less than 150 square meters with %1 and on the rest of
the property with %18.
Real Estate Registration Fees: These fees are paid at the time of the sale and purchase of the
property, and are imposed on the two parties (seller and buyer) by %1.5.
Real Estate Tax: According to the percentages determined in 2016, real estate tax is charged
with %0.1 on the residential buildings, %0.2 on other buildings (factories, offices, etc.), %0.1 on
land and %0.3 on the real estate. These percentages will be redoubled if the property is located
within the boundaries of the city center.