Real Estate in Turkey Hieroglyphics Language The History of Ancient Egyp | Page 2

Such as the Hieroglyphic line, the first brick in the construction of the ancient Egyptian language, consisting of four lines other than this line, namely Coptic, Hieratic and Demotic, each of which is punished by successive times, but because of the consistency and integration of the Hieroglyphic line, It became the official language for the codification of Egyptian civilization. The Hieroglyphic language was discovered and spread when the Rosetta stone was discovered and decoded by Champollion, a member of the French campaign that invaded Egypt. However, the first attempts to decipher the hieroglyphic language were calculated for the Greeks when some of the paintings aroused the interest of their scientists. About the hieroglyphic language says d. Emad Mahdi, member of the Egyptian Archaeologists Union: It is an official writing style of ancient Egypt, based on the drawings of environmental assets. The purpose of this use was to record events on the walls of temples and tombs, in order to keep the royal families from the ancient civilization. Their use over successive periods has been an ornamental art, so the hieroglyphics And the discovery of a number of paintings until the French campaign against Egypt, and the beginning of attempts to decipher Rosetta stone by one of its officers, called Champollion, which reached the meanings of many And the engraving of the house symbolizes the houses and temples, which contributed to the dissemination of the hieroglyphic language more, and to clarify the idea of being one of the lines of the ancient Egyptian language and not a stand-alone language , Add the Coptic font “The hieroglyphs are composed of complex illustrations and alphabets, which are divided into three sections. The first is the monophonic symbols, meaning that they represent only a monogamous meaning, and are pronounced and written with only one letter. The second group is two-tone, They can be separated, while the third group is called the three-tone symbols, which are letters and inscriptions that symbolize three meanings. The hieroglyphic line contains additional signs besides these inscriptions and letters, but they are not pronounced but are used to identify the number, Others that only specify and confirm the meaning. Origin of the Hieroglyphic Origin of the Hieroglyphic word Out back the word hieroglyphics ( in English: Hieroglyph) to the Greek, which is divided into the word Hiro Hiero , which means sacred, and the word Glevah glyphics which means the inscription, or writings, word complete hieroglyphic means the sacred writings, or sacred inscription, Like most of the texts of old, does not The origin of the hieroglyphic characters is known, but there are several hypotheses about their origin, some believed to be a language derived from the rocky images created by the prehistoric fishing tribes that lived in the desert west of the Nile. Some of the ornaments were found on rock paintings on pottery vessels, Which belong to pre-family cultures Early in Egypt, this is particularly noticeable during the period of Naqada II 3500 – 3200 BC, where the vessels were buried in tombs, and in the