Real Estate in Turkey Bodrum the Turkish city... Pirate Ships Amaze Tour | Page 3

"From now until October 15, 2018, all of our bookings are full, the design of our ship has impressed many, and the model of pirate ships has begun to spread in the region, thus, we believe we are starting to spread this idea," he said. "We believe that tourists find it more comfortable to spend their tours on the pirate ships because of their size compared to other small-scale cruise ships," he said. He noted that his ship had 24 workers on board they roam during the day 4 different coasts in Mugla. Bodrum is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mugla, with Marmaris, Fethiye, Dacha, Dalian, Akakaya and Kok Oh. The state is characterized by its clean coastline, scenic nature, and the availability of infrastructure of hotels and other tourist services.