Real Estate in Turkey Bodrum the Turkish city... Pirate Ships Amaze Tour
Bodrum the Turkish city... Pirate Ships Amaze Tourists
Ports of the Turkish province of Bodrum, in the state of Mugla, have a wide range of pirate
ships, providing tourists with guided tours of the islands and coasts of the Aegean Sea.
The phenomenon of pirate ships began to spread on the Turkish coast of Mugla in recent years,
tourists have the desire to live adventures while doing their tours in the city.
The number of tourists rose at the beginning of the summer of 2018, compared with the
seasons of 2016 and 2017. The mayor of Bodrum, Mr. Mohammed Kogadon, praised the high
demand for tourists from Britain, Germany, Poland, and Russia. "We hope that the peak
occupancy rate will reach 100 percent, and to receive what we received from tourists in 2012
and 2013”