Women in Business
Alice Bullivant, KinesiAlice Holistic Kinesiology
How saying no is good for you.
As women today, we’re spread so thin! We are students, employees, partners, wives. We are
mothers, friends, daughters, sisters, cousins. So many things to so many people.
By nature, we are nesters and nurturers – we are born communicators and problem solvers. Then some of us
have this crazy idea to be a business owner on top of all these other hats we wear. Often, we do this to solve a
problem in our own lives. It may be to work around kids’ schedules, to bring in some money, or to be adaptable
around other people.
So, we start a business. It’s exhilarating yet exhausting. We have our own autonomy, yet we are responsible and
accountable. We can use the skills we have and there is so much more we need to know. We have a huge to-do
list for our business, and this adds to the to-do list for our non-business lives.
Being a business owner can create even less downtime that you ever thought was possible! Some weeks and
months are crazy busy. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a start-up or established, a solo entrepreneur or a
manager of many. There’s times that people get mad with us – our partners feel alone, our kids feel abandoned,
our friends feel ignored. So, we spread ourselves even thinner. We plan time into our schedules to ensure that
everyone around us is getting their happy cup filled. And this is on top of our business needs, our home needs
and general day-to-day life.
How is your happy cup? Empty? You look at your calendar at the beginning
of the month and it’s completely full before it’s started. That’s exhausting!
I’m sure you’ve all seen the pigeon meme (right). That’s often how women in
business feel..
Can you do anything about this? Yes, you can!
There are two very quick and simple things you can put in place today to help
The first is to get your diary or calendar and schedule in 10 minutes every day for you. That time is non-negotiable
– it’s not the thing that gets put off – it’s the Number One priority. Take a few deep breaths, do a quick meditation,
even go outside and stand in the sun on the grass with your shoes off. No phone calls, emails, social media, kids.
It’s time for you to disconnect from everything and reconnect with yourself.
The second is harder for most of us. It’s the word NO. You don’t have to say yes to everything. Decide how much
time you need to fill with activities and people, and how much time you need to fill your cup. Make sure that time
is available for both, and say no to the things that don’t fit. And don’t feel bad or offer excuses or explanations.
“No.” can be a complete sentence and it may be exactly what you need to give your body and mind the downtime
it needs. Because this month, and every month, you’ve earned it!
About KinesiAlice
KinesiAlice is an integrative complementary therapist combining modern practice with traditional wisdom. If you’re
looking for answers to your health and wellness questions, Alice can help you interpret what your body is trying to
tell you, and find the answers you are looking for. Contact Alice on:
0425 268 167 | [email protected] | www.kinesialice.com.au |
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