READER'S ROCK LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE VOL 2 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2014 Volume 1 Issue 1 June-July 2013 | Page 55

Available for purchase at : Amazon , Barnes and Noble , and most other online vendors .
Available formats : ebook and paperback . Currently in production as audiobook . ( Audiobook will be available mid-summer from Amazon , audible . com , and iTunes .)
Websites : http :// www . amazon . com / Lorrie- Farrelly / e / B008P3LJ0O
http :// www . goodreads . com / author / show / 4351229 . Lorrie _ Farrelly
https :// sites . google . com / site / yourbestreads
http :// www . audible . com / search / ref = sr _ 1 _ 1 _ asrch ? searchAuthor = Lorrie + Farrelly & qid = 1371138329 & sr = 1-1
http :// www . barnesandnoble . com / c / lorrie-farrelly

Excerpt :

Jessie came wide awake with a jolt of full-blown panic .
As though still trapped in sleep , she tried to scream , but her throat closed and she couldn ’ t make a sound . She thrashed against the blanket that tangled around her and gave in to hysteria .
And mercifully , the screams came . “ Alex ! Alex ! ALEX !”
He seemed to materialize out of nowhere in the dim light . Hunkering down , he wrapped her struggling body in his arms , pulling her protectively against him . When she struggled frantically to escape , Alex tightened his hold , letting her flail against him . He murmured soothing reassurances into her ear , his voice hoarse and strained .
“ Jessie , it ’ s all right , it ’ s me ! I ’ m here ! Listen , Jessie , listen to me . Settle down . We ’ re okay . It ’ s all right .”
Slowly his words got through to her . She sank against him , her heart racing like that of a wild creature . Alex continued to murmur soothing words to her , and when she had calmed enough to listen , he tried to explain the unexplainable .
“ It brought us both , Jessie ,” he said , a sort of giddy wonder in his voice . He still could not really believe it . “ One of us must have stumbled on the program . I don ’ t know how . But no matter , it brought us both .”
As realization dawned , Jessie regarded him with awestruck horror . “ But where , Alex ? Where did it bring us ?”
She looked around desperately , trying to spot something – anything – familiar , but the cellar receded into shadows . Jessie could see only stacks of crates , barrels , and lumpy sacks . A small , grill- covered window high on one wall admitted just the faintest gray shaft of early-morning light .
Alex closed his hand around her trembling fist , shook his head .
“ Not where , Jessie ,” he said , his voice not quite steady . “ Not where . When .” *
* copyright by Lorrie Farrelly