READER'S ROCK LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE VOL 2 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2014 Volume 1 Issue 1 June-July 2013 | Page 37


Central Park was streaming with choice in footwear . “ What ? Are you people clamoring to enjoy an kidding ? These are classic !” unseasonably cool Sunday in July and it was just like I imagined . There where people sunbathing ; playing with their pets ; jogging ; rollerblading , and just strolling along like I was at the moment
I just shook my head as we linked arms and set off to stake our claim to a blanket sized plot on the big lawn . We settled on a spot that was relatively less crowded and I watched as he set up the as I headed to meet John . I was in awe blanket , two pillows , a large thermos , of how green and lush the landscape hummus , crackers and chips with onion was compared to the cement and brick dip . metropolis that surrounded it .
“ Wow , you are really prepared ! I ' m
Once John found out that I hadn ' t
impressed . What ' s in the thermos ?”
checked it off my ' things to do in NY list ',
He shot me a sly grin and handed it
he insisted that we come here this
over for my inspection , watching as I
weekend . I spotted him walking towards
opened it sniffed and tasted the mystery
me looking like a college student , down
drink .
to the backpack he sported . His golden
“ Yum , is this Riesling ?” I took
hued hair was longer than usual , and was lightly wind tousled and he sported his signature sleeveless tee this time in white with red shorts and a pair of throwback Jordan ' s . Jordan ' s ? He smiled at me and I could only imagine I didn ' t look much different with my hair pulled back into a high bun , a snug white wife beater and coral colored shorts that stopped mid thigh and all white old school Adidas . We walked into an easy hug having spent so much time together lately that we were more than familiar . I pointed to his sneakers “ Nice kicks !” I joked . He glanced down quizzically at his another sip . “ Very good Ms . Spencer . You ' re a
lush after my own heart .” He teased .
covering each page of an old National
Geographic edition . Nerd ! A very handsome nerd though , and I could watch him all day . It was so cute the way his eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed slightly as he read . I found
I threw the top of the canister at him .
myself wondering how his lips tasted .
We spent the afternoon relaxing
Just then he looked at me and I
together . Sunbathing with a good book
pretended to be just looking up from my
is a very much underrated experience .
book and he shot me a wink .
Well , partial sun because it had grown
Could he tell I was staring at him ?
considerably overcast as we enjoyed
I flashed him a smile .
our picnic , which was probably what
So what if I was looking ?
contributed to the cooler weather . I
Especially since I caught him
reclined back on a pillow slightly
studying me when he thought I wasn ' t
perpendicular to John while using his
looking . Often
torso as a foot rest . My oversized
After a while he closed and pulled
Channel shades concealed the fact that
his aviators down .
I had stopped reading the hilarious Abe
Lincoln Vampire Hunter , and was
“ So how ' s your book ?” He asked as
watching him instead . He was intently
he grabbed one of my bare feet and
began to knead and rub .