READER'S ROCK LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE VOL 2 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2014 Volume 1 Issue 1 June-July 2013 | Page 15

Just a few years ago , I would have
that I was on the way to becoming
laughed if anyone had told me that people
someone who hated reading . My mother ,
might no longer read literature in a couple
however , in addition to reading to me ,
of generations . I ' m not laughing anymore .
went over the reading lesson from school
As a high school teacher , I see it even with
with me every day , so that essentially we
some students in honors and advanced
were reading to each other--a good
placement classes , and they will cheerfully
variation on reading to me , and one you
admit to it : they don ' t like to read . If they
can consider as soon as your child begins
can get away with it , when given a reading
to read . The process took time , but
assignment , they will read the Spark Notes
eventually I caught up with other
or watch one of the movie versions . Some
students , then moved beyond many of
students are resentful if they are assigned
them--and I began to love reading ,
to read something for which there is no
because I was good at it . For example , out
alternative .
of curiosity I read the Quran when still in
elementary school , and I was tackling
Oh , even the reading haters still read .
Dante ' s Divine Comedy in middle school .
They read 140 character tweets . They
My growth as a reader was largely the
read relatively short posts on Facebook
result of my parents giving me the right
( which , at least in my experience , tends to
kind of beginning .
crash if the post gets too long ). They read
text messages from friends . Don ' t get me
Second , to the extent that you can , limit
wrong ; social media does have its virtues .
TV and social media interactions . ( The
Promoting sustained reading efforts is not
latter is hard if , as is often the case , your
one of them .
son or daughter also has legitimate
homework to do on the computer .) Okay ,
True , there are longer chunks of reading
let ' s be honest . Starting this kind of policy
on the Internet , but from watching my
with teenagers is almost impossible unless
students , I would say that if there is a long
you have an iron will and more free time
article online , many students will read a
than most parents are likely to have . Start
very small piece and then click away to
when your son or daughter is young , so
something else , or keep clicking back and
that he or she will be used to it before any
forth . The article may ultimately get read
possible teenage rebellion sets in , and
by some , but I can ' t imagine they absorb
before he or she is really using social
what they should from it or are especially
media . A good rule of thumb is to limit TV
intellectually stimulated by it .
viewing so that your son or daughter
spends at least as many hours a day
I ' m not a television hater any more than I
reading as watching TV . If you start this
am a social media hater , but certainly
practice when your child is young , your
television has played a role in reducing
son or daughter may still complain at
adolescent attention spans , while the
some point , but he or she will not be as
Internet has made wandering away from
resistant as if you had waited until later to
a task when one ' s attention is waning so
introduce the practice .
much easier . A few of my students won ' t
work at a computer unless they have to ,
Third , try to read with your son or
for the simple reason that , once they are
daughter , at least through the high school
on the computer , they know their
years . In other words , read the literary
attention will get pulled in a hundred
works he or she is reading as assignments
different directions , and the assignment
for English , book reports , and other
will never get done .
occasions , and then discuss the reading
with him or her . Yes , I know this
Those of you who are parents are
suggestion could be very time-consuming
probably thinking , " What can I do to
to implement , and maybe you can ' t do it
make my child a real reader , someone
with every book , but at least try to do it
who enjoys reading and actually gets
with some . ( If you are reading Reader ' s
something out of it ?" As you might
Rock in the first place , you are probably a
imagine , I have a few suggestions .
reader yourself , so at least tackling the
books won ' t be painful !) Some of my most
First , read to your children when he or
successful students are involved in almost
she is young . The more you have time to
daily literature discussions with at least
do , the better . You are both modeling
one parent , and I have seen more than one
correct behavior for your child and
marginal reader improve remarkably
helping him or her to associate reading
through this practice .
with something they already like--
spending time with you . This practice is
We could be part of the last generation of
also invaluable to reduce the likelihood
true readers , but we don ' t have to be . As
that your child will have problems
parents , you can help ensure that society--
acquiring reading skills . When I was first
and particularly your own children--avoid
learning how to read , I was not very
this fate .
successful , at best a halting reader with
limited comprehension . We tend to dislike
things we aren ' t good at , so my guess is


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