Is 'Anna's Journey' really a mystery? In February 2011, I published my first book, “Anna's Journey: How many lives does one person get?” From the title one might correctly guess that the book is a biography, or perhaps more accurately an autobiography. However, the subtitle of “How many lives does one person get?” may also suggest that it is a mystery. Do you know the answer to the question? Perhaps technically the answer to that question is ONE! We are all born and we all die. Now, it is true that some people have their heart stop and get restarted but once someone is “brain dead” your life is over and you don't get a second chance at life. With the first Anna's Journey book, several situations and life challenges occurred that could have… and perhaps should have… resulted in death – the end of this life. However, for various reasons… some of which are total mysteries… and quite obviously my life did not end since I am still alive and able to share. How many readers see the cover of a book as a mystery? The title, also a mystery? What is hidden between the covers of a book? What does that title really mean? How many times have you been in a book store and had those questions run through your mind; or, perhaps you are standing in a library; or, more likely today you'll be looking at Amazon or other online book site. And when you get to have a sneak peak between the covers, do you take that opportunity to see what the author has written… to solve the mystery of what is there to be discovered? For the readers of “Anna's Journey: How many lives does one person get?” there were many scenarios. As a young teenager, I was amazed and shocked at a fast moving thunderstorm that produced deadly lightning. While there were at least a dozen teens on the beach that day, only two were killed when the lightning struck. We have often wondered WHY… why were the rest of us not electrocuted by that lightning strike? Why was the earth around the dead couple not electrified to injure anyone else? A definite mystery… one that I survived!  A little more than two years later, another mystery occurred… a freak car accident… a deadly car accident. When the police investigated, when people saw pictures of the car, and when I stop to think of how the accident played out – there are a ton of unanswered questions, most especially how did I walk away without