Well the book pretty much is my WHOLE LIFE, if I tell you things about me then it would be repetitive in the book. But in short I'm a 47yr. old who lives in Michigan and LOVES ANIMALS. Part of my profits from the book goes towards the HSUS. I was born on 12-11 at the time of 12:11, which to me was very odd. I am not one to follow any superstitions or doctrines based on numerology but the way my life has went I now wonder if that birth-date and time, which coincide so perfectly, might in all actuality have a purpose. 1. Why did you decide to write (non-fiction)? What is the appeal? I only wrote one book and it was my life story with the focus on escaping from a POW camp in Iran after 911. If I hadn't had any tragedies in my life (and trust me this isn't the only one) I probably wouldn't have written one. Everyone told me that I should write a book and it would be a great catharsis. 2. How much research goes into your books, and how do you tackle that? The only research was my memory 3. What is the best comment you ever received from a reader? The worst or weirdest? I received it from Tom Clancy and he said “YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO WRITE A BOOK FOR THE “REAL” AUDIENCE. My worst was, “you suck and you know nothing about Iran or Muslims”….as you will find out I actually do 4. Tell us a little about your writing style? Do you plan and plot your stories, or do you just plow through them? I literally plowed through it, I sat down and just wrote for threesix months. I never reread it because it was too hard. So I had John re-read it and my literary agent for errors. My therapist and I started going through the chapters then stopped when I started having flashbacks. 5. Can you tell us a little about your current work, (Lori's Song)? It's my true story of being held captive in a POW type camp in Iran for six weeks. The book also deals with my childhood sexual abuse, substance abuse, PTSD and living with bipolar. It is a very graphic book when it comes to scenes during the camp. My book is available on Kindle, paperback and hardcover. Its available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and anywhere online. Search “Lori Foroozandeh”. These are my social networking links and I also have a blog. BUY THE BOOK