Greetings from Watch It or Wreck It! This month I'm doing something special to honor my little girl's birthday. I thought it would be a good time to go over some of HER personal favorites! I have read a lot of her favorite books with her – naturally – and we often do book to movie discussions so here goes! 1. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I confess that I've only skimmed the books but my daughter is well versed in all things Wimpy Kid and I sadly know too much about the “cheese touch” for my personal comfort. That said, the books and movies are very enjoyable and honestly opened some excellent discussions with my kids. Casting for the movie was superb, especially the lead character (played by Zachary Gordon) and his brother, Roderick (played by Devon Bostick). Throw in the ever hilarious Rachel Harris and Steve Zahn as the parents and you have a well-rounded cast that can pull of the jokes as well as the poignant moments you would expect to find in such stories. Definitely read and watch these (three films, soon to be nine books) with your kids 2. Harry Potter series. I have read all of the books and seen all of the movies but my daughter has not seen/read past the middle of book four. We intend to remedy this issue over the summer but thus far, my kiddo is as smitten with this series as most other kids (and adults). The casting is stellar (especially Alan Rickman as Severus Snape) and aside from a few issues the movies stand up to the challenges set forth in the books. Emotional scenes were well-portrayed and I both look forward to and dread some of the tragedies my daughter will soon experience with the series. Watch AND read this series so you don't miss out on anything! 3. The Hobbit. Yes, I've mentioned this before and I've made my feelings on Desolation of Smaug quite clear. I think I've also clarified my utter love and respect for all things Tolkien. It is a