Reader's Digest October 2016

`100 october 2016 The poWer of giving PAGe 41 The race To STop The nexT maSS ShooTer PAGe 92 101 funniest Quotes Ever! featuring Shah rukh khan, navjot Singh Sidhu and lalu prasad Yadav PAGe 66 david’S gifT of eTernal love PAGe 78 WhaT YoUr handS SaY aboUT YoUr healTh PAGe 54 bonUS read freedom from norTh korea PAGe 140 The SecreT To Speaking Up ............................ 88 hUmoUr in Uniform ....................................... 116 phoTo feaTUre: fanTaSTic feSTivalS ........ 124 Word poWer ...................................................... 159 FOR SALE IN INDIA AND NEPAL ONLY