Reader's Digest June 2017 | Page 3

Contents june 2017 46 Cover Story The Kindness of sTrangers Touching and life-altering stories from our readers. 54 7 surprising ways To geT more sleep It’s time you reclaim your night-time rest. l i Sa f i e l d S 64 guardians of The foresT Prafulla Samantara’s quest to protect the hills of Niyamgiri. Sa n g h a m i t r a C h a k r a b o r t y 74 a river runs Through iT A photo essay capturing life along the Hooghly. b a n d e e p S i n g h 80 Easy hacks for a spotless home. k e l S e y k lo S S 150 168 | 64 drama in real life 50 seconds To live An unconscious novice skydiver plummets to earth. whaT will happen To paTTy’s boy? A nurse adopts her cancer patient’s son. ka r e n m ot t 156 P. 31 exTraordinary uses for ordinary Things robert kiener 178 rebirTh of a ciTy Madrid’s citizens face adversity with laughter, cooperation and pure genius. l i a g r a i n g e r double agenT A man with a dangerous assignment. m o r t e n Sto r m 164 weeKend wiTh uncle guTTa Why the word kindness is related to the word kin. b r i g i d d u f f y 186 bonus read mission impossible Five countries join forces for a 30-hour rescue operation. tim hulSe reader’s digest | june 2017 | 3