Reader's Digest June 2017

`100 JunE 2017 SurpriSing WayS to get et More Sleep PAGE 54 draMa in real life 50 SecondS to live PAGE 168 KindneSS of StrangerS 11 Stories of rare generosity enerosity From our rEAdErs PAGE 46 double agent Morten Storm has a simple assignment: find the leader of al-Qaeda and come back alive PAGE 156 hoW friendS MaKe you healthy ealthy PAGE 35 booK bonuS MiSSion iMpoSSible PAGE 186 actor Shahid Kapoor on hiS firSt job ........ 28 one Man’S battle to Save a foreSt ............... 64 laughter, the beSt Medicine ........................ 176 all about energy conServation ................. 198 MaSter your vocabulary ............................. 205 For sAlE In IndIA And nEPAl onlY trustEd brAnds Poll rEsults