Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 7

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story pRologuE Vocabulary: Flaw (p. 3) Forsworn (p. 3) Strip-mining (p.4) Prone (p. 5) Dabble (p. 9) Hoist (p. 10) Unslung (p. 11) Druthers (p. 16) 1. With what did Galen fill his days on Lah’mu? (pp.3-4) 2. What was Galen in the process of doing when Jyn dashed into the room? (pp. 5-6) 3. What or who is “Stormy”? (p. 5) 4. Why doesn’t Galen go with Lyra and Jyn to the rendezvous point? (p. 6) 5. Describe the party that Galen greets at the farm. (pp. 7-8) 6. How long have Orson and Galen known each other? (p. 9) 7. What are the excuses Galen presents Orson for not going with him? (pp. 9-10) 8. Why does Krennic say: “Oh, look! Here’s Lyra back from the dead. It’s a miracle.”? (p. 12) 9. Describe the ‘hiding spot’. (p. 15) 2