Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 23

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story 5. What had Krennic hoped he could accomplish during his opportunity of meeting with Darth Vader? (p. 188) Did he? (pp. 187-192) 6. What “assignment” does Lord Vader give Krennic? (p. 191) 7. What did Jyn see as the choices for her future? (pp. 192-193) 8. What do you think Jyn’s mother revealed to Jyn when she said “You’re your father’s daughter, but you’re not ‘just’ that.”? (p. 195) CHApTEr 14 Vocabulary: Rot (p. 197) Gaze (p. 201) Undaunted (p. 202) Garb (pp. 203 & 224) Anew (p. 206) Hangar (p. 207) Patchwork (pp. 208 & 243) Wince (p. 211) Pilfer (p. 211) Dock (v.) (p. 214) 1. To fight or not to fight, that is the question. What is Jyn’s new ‘self-decided’ mission? (p. 197) 2. Why does Bodhi want to keep his Imperial flight suit? (p.199) 18