Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 16

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story 4. In this chapter, which characters are part of the acceptable “3% loss” Krennic talked about in Chapter 5 (see p. 94) 5. For what reason(s) did Saw choose not to attempt to flee the destruction on Jedha? (pp. 109- 110) CHApTEr 8 Vocabulary: Clip (v.) (p. 112) Hull (p. 119) Hue (p. 120) Sic (v.) (p. 113) Shift (p. 114) Chafe (p. 116) 1. Where did Galen give the transport pilot the message to deliver to Saw? (p. 111) 2. “She’ll try to stop what comes next.” To whom is Cassian referring and what would she try to stop? (p. 113) 3. What are ‘head-tails’? (p. 114) Draw a picture. 4. Cassian’s inner voice – belied by his actions – says to leave Jyn behind. What reasons does he have for not saving her? (pp. 111-116) 5. Why does Baze laugh at Bodhi’s statement: “They’ll kill us,”? (p. 71) 11