Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 10

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story 3. How did Jyn’s captors refer to her father, Galen Erso? (p. 39) 4. Jyn’s captors and Saw Gerrara are all in rebellion against the Empire. Why then is there no communication between them? (pp. 40-42) 5. Therefore, Jyn is important to the Rebel Alliance because… (p. 42) 6. What will Jyn’s reward be for helping the Rebel Alliance? (p. 42) 7. Who is 6295A? (p. 43) 8. How does Jyn feel about Draven? Cassian? (p. 44) 9. What particular personality trait does Cassian point out about K-2SO? (p. 44) 10. What do we learn about Cassian’s order from General Draven? (pp. 45-46) CHApTEr 3 Vocabulary: Sore (n.) (p. 47) Bellow (p. 48) Bane (p. 50) Honeycombed (p. 52) 5 Holdout (n.) (p. 54)