Reader: The Story of Colorado Beef 2020-2021: Issue 2 | Page 5

Can you match the feed pictured on the right with the description below ?

Match the Feeds

Can you match the feed pictured on the right with the description below ?
A - Grass / Hay : Grass can be cut and made into hay for livestock . Different types of hay will have varying levels of protein and fiber .
B - Steam Flaked Corn : Corn is often processed with a steam-flaker to make the nutrients easier to digest . Corn is a great source of energy .
C - Rolled Oats : Oats are a good source of fiber and can be fed during most stages of growth .
D - Sugar Beet Pellets : Pulp leftover from processing sugar beets into sugar for humans is made into pellets for feed for cattle and contains energy and fiber .
E - Mixed Ration : A ration is a mixture of many feed sources ( such as oats , corn , pellets and ground hay ) to create a balanced diet for the cattle to include protein , energy and fiber .
Answer 1 :___________________
Answer 2 :___________________
Answer 3 :___________________
Answer 4 :___________________
Answer 5 :___________________

Colorado Land Use

Land is one of our most vital resources . We build our civilizations on it . It is habitat for thousands of species and a critical part of our ecosystem . We need land for agriculture to produce the food , clothing , and shelter we need . There are about 66.6 million acres of land in Colorado . This is all of the land available for homes , schools , airports , roads , farms , ranches , recreational areas , wildlife habitat , and everything else ! Most of Colorado ’ s land is too rocky , cold , hot , or dry to grow crops , but it can support livestock . Cattle are able to graze federal land , forest land , pastureland , and rangeland . Proper grazing of these lands helps to reduce risk of wildfires .
The chart below represents all of the different uses of land in Colorado , according to 2017 data from the U . S . Department of Agriculture . Using the chart legend , write in the correct labels for each piece of the pie chart to show how land in Colorado is used .
Chart Legend : Colorado Land Use * Cropland : 12.0 % CRP Land : 2.5 % Developed : 3.0 % Federal Land : 36.2 % Forest Land : 5.3 %
Other Rural Land : 1.0 % Pastureland : 2.6 % Rangeland : 36.9 % Water Areas : 0.5 %
* Land use definitions can be found in the Educator Guide for this Reader or at NRCS . USDA . gov www . GrowingYourFuture . com - 5