46 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | October/November 2017
In addition to being a best selling author, Ginny recently expanded her audience as a Game Change Agency Host. Game Change Agency is a networking group for preeminent decision makers, influencers and thought leaders. Ginny and her guests shed light on innovative and effective strategies senior executives consider while promoting gender diverse and inclusive leadership teams, work/life integration, and employee engagement and well-being. One of Ginny’s intentions is to provide a resource for leaders to inspire the strengths and natural talents of their employees to be expressed. “Everyone wants to contribute and feel fulfilled.” Discussions will span issues such as how to connect with employees, bringing the best self forward, exploring the challenges related to bringing our authentic selves to work as leaders, and increasing the productivity of staff.
“People’s lives are happening while they’re in the office,” Ginny stated. One of the elements of being a healthy leader Ginny shared is to get to know your staff. When staff trusts leadership enough to share their personal lives, knowing that it won’t be held, against them, the company itself is strengthened, by virtue of the bond between leaders and staffers. Employees feels heard, respected, valued, and believe they are a significant part of the company as a whole.
If you’re a leader, can you describe what each employee is brilliant at? When you are aligned with your employees, you know where they are and what they can accomplish. They will be more effective and engaged in the job they are performing. You will help them to rise above their challenges. It’s not about coddling; it’s about allowing them to be brilliant at what they are capable of. If you have an employee that is not performing to their best, maybe they are in an inappropriate position for their talents. Determine what they are naturally good at and move them to a role in which they can use their strengths. “If there is a disconnect, how will our employees be productive and efficient for us? They are not going to perform at a top level,” Ginny expressed. For more information on Ginny’s take on leadership, check out her podcast.
Explaining her motivational force, Ginny shared, “I grew up in a little village with dirt floors in a thatched roof home. By creating and following the C.A.R.E.S. process in my own work life, I am now at a higher level in the corporate world. To me, this is the American dream. As I connected more with my passion, I felt more and more compelled to move other leaders through the condition of disconnect; bringing them in line with their passions as well.”
Fearless Women at Work - Five Powerful Strategies to Thrive in Your Career and Life! is geared towards professional women. In my opinion, all women in the workplace will gain great wisdom from this work. Ginny has a natural gift to inspire the leader-within to lead better through example and to develop a stronger connection with their fellow workers. When C.A.R.E.S. is applied, it motivates women to utilize steps to take the reigns of their relationships, their financial situation and other aspects of daily life that may be out of alignment.
“In the book I talk about personal power and living life on your own terms. I define personal power as embracing all of your resources and owning what’s yours. So at the end of the day, no matter who we are, we all have our personal power and when we blame others for our conditions or situations we absolutely give up all and any ability to claim that part of us. When it’s in somebody else’s control then there’s nothing you can do, but when you take accountability and take charge of ‘it’ and say it is mine then you really open the gates for what is possible. We need to own it - fearlessly.”
Discover more about Dr. Ginny Baro and her services at fearlesswomenatwork.com and gamechangeagency.com/ginny-baro