Elevating Fearless
@ Work
Through a mutual friend, I met Dr. Ginny Baro, MBA, MS, PhD. She is truly making a difference in the lives of many women, specifically, in the workplace, and in their role as entrepreneurs. Ginny is an executive coach, trainer and a fearless woman. She possess the passion to help professional women overcome roadblocks and implement sustainable strategies to achieve their goals.
I spoke to Ginny two weeks before her book titled Fearless Women at Work - Five Powerful Strategies to Thrive in Your Career and Life! released on October 9th, in order to gain insight on what it means to her to be a fearless woman. The wisdom I received had a profound a impact on me both professionally and personally.
Ginny emigrated to the United States at the age of fourteen from the Dominican Republic. She credits her mother for being a strong, determined role model. “My mother is a warrior goddess. She has no limitations.” It was through her mother’s example that she established an authentic passion to learn and lead others to be fearless.
“Life ‘happens’ to us; whatever our life histories have been up to the arrival of what happens, I believe we come to a point where we realize this is my reality,” Ginny said. “It is important to realize that having that awareness is gold. That is where your healing begins and where you are able to claim your power. When you’re in the hamster wheel (going through the motions
October/November 2017 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | 13
...an interview with
Dr. Ginny Baro
When we feel stuck, or as though our choices are limited, there is a tendency to remain where we are - forever cementing patterns, remaining ‘stuck’ like we’re in a hamster wheel and cannot get off that course. Becoming aware of being ‘stuck’ like this can provide opportunity to transform.
Written with love by C.K. Kochis