RE/MAX Valley Brokers The Sunday Showcase October 13, 2013 | Page 22
Selling Your Home After Labor Day is More Than OK
October 1, 2013
Some people believe that selling a home after the prime summer selling season is a bad idea. That
couldn't be further from the truth.
Some sellers worry that if they put their home on the market in September or October, it'll languish there for months. But just like your white pants don't have to be stored away after Labor
Day, your plans to sell your home don’t have to be tabled either.
It’s true that summer is a busy time in real estate, particularly for families with children. Young
families often prefer to search for homes for sale as one school year is wrapping up, move into
their new home by midsummer and settle in before the beginning of the next school year.
But not everyone has the flexibility or desire to wait. Job offers, military reassignments and urges
for a change can come in November or February just as easily as they can come in June. And those
who move in December (or other "off-season" months) just might be interested in buying a
house in their new town or state. Your newly listed house could be just the one they're looking for.
Plus, far more factors than the calendar can affect the selling climate. Seasons don't matter much
in areas where the number of homes for sale is low and the demand is high – as is the case in
some U.S. markets. Frankly, a well-priced house in a good location is likely to sell in a timely
manner even in the dead of winter.