Look at the Concepts About Print Checklist. Explain the importance of
students having some of these skills before they enter kindergarten.
How might lower socioeconomic students be at a disadvantage in
knowing these skills.
What are metacomprehension strategies?
What is a miscue analysis?
What is the difference between a summative evaluation and a
formative evaluation?
What are the major limitations of standardized tests?
What are some characteristics of adept “kid watchers” with respect to
the observation of reading skills?
Describe the levels of reading abilities. These are the levels you will
identify as you work through Miller’s IRI with your client.
Write at least two questions that this week’s readings generated
RDG 415 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP)
What are some of the challenges in administering an Informal
Reading Invent ory (IRI) found in Miller's textbook, The Reading
Teacher's Survival Kit?
RDG 415 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP)