The Ztp
The ADRK Ztp. Is what we refer to as the Breed Suitability Test. The Breed Suitability Test is an Evaluation Score
of a dog’s conformity to the breed standard thus making it Suitable for Breeding. It consists of 2 parts.
Firstly, the dog under goes a much more subjective critique than at a regular show. Eyes are graded, Bite and
Dentition and everything is measured to see that it falls within the standards requirements. Height / Length,
Muzzle to Head ratio, chest and chest depths and weight are all measured. This part of the Ztp requires some
hands-on measures using implements and is the first step in seeing if the dog Portrays some stability. Next but
still within part one the dog undergoes some heel work and is tested with distractions, Human and Noises such
and gun shots, all designed to measure the dog’s stability. Stability, a useful asset in a good society dog. A dog
that fails in this stage of the breed suitability test depending of the judge’s discretion may be deemed unfit for
Secondly, the threat test, in this stage the dog is tested against threats and it is a measure of the dog’s courage
and controllability in an elevated drive. The dog must have the courage to leave his handlers side and defend
by biting the threat, releasing and guarding on command. If the dog fails to release (out) on command and guard
in either of the 2 threat tests it is an Instant fail of the breed suitability test. A dog that fails this stage of the breed
suitability test may be re-tested one more time.
It has taken me a long time to understand the second stage of the breed suitability test and its importance with
dogs today. A courageous Dog is less likely to bite in a fearful situation. The importance of this courage test on
breeding pairs is even more important than ever before, in the climate of today’s society. Ensuring that dogs of
courage and sound character are bred from. Courageous dogs of sound character make the best dogs, be it
companionship, show or a working home.
Is it essential that all counties perform the Ztp in its true form? I will leave that answer open. Thankfully Australia
has some very dedicated Rottweiler Breed specialists who go to great lengths to import live studs and Frozen
semen from the ADRK the BREED WARDENS, so enthusiasts in Australia can implement some of these Breed
Suitability Tested dogs into their breeding programs.