Rclub Writting is Big business July/August 2014 | Page 8

IS IT GOOD TO HAVE  CELL PHONES DURING  CLASS?    Written By Reese    Is it good to have cell phones during class some kids think so ,some  teachers say it is distubring and some kids go on pages NOT for kids like  wacthing bad videos on youtube and going on instgram and facebook and  also vines.is this nonsence going to go on or come to a stop?    During class some kids go on youtube and go on facebook. Teachers say  why even bring phones during school? ‘’ what’s the point  of bring your phone to school because all you're going to  do is NOT LEARN!!” Are phones even giving kids  smarter or teach them something well it might teach them  how to be rude and disrespect teachers.    IS IT OK OR NOT OK  Some kids just say that taking your phones is awesome! But think about good kids trying to learn and trying to work. A LOT of kids hide their phones from teacher. Teachers should yes move on but this is NOT pre-k, and once you see it the second time it’s over, bye bye phone.Kids also use rude words to teachers and some kids say it is ok to bring your phones to school so you can cheat.So what do you think, is it ok to bring phones to school or not?