Of your own books, who is your favourite character, and why?
I love my Joeseph Ferrantino from Immaginario, purely because he's based on my own book-boyfriend crush- Andris from Ednah Walters Runes series.
Which famous author do you wish would be your mentor?
I'm in awe of Diana Gabaldon, her attention to detail is stunning.
What's your favourite food to snack on when you're writing?
Cheese and piccallili and lots of coffee.
Which is your favourite place to visit/travel to and why?
I'm obsessed with Scotland! Hiking up Glencoe in the company of red deer and golden eagles, there's just no comparison.
Would you rather: a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?
Spiders, I can at least squash them.
Would you rather: an endless summer or an endless winter?
Winter! I hate the summer.
Would you rather: tea or coffee?
Would you rather: the city or the country?
Country. Nothing beats nature.
Would you rather: paperback or ebook?
Paperback all the way.