RBM Book Awards 1 | Page 16


C.L. Monaghan

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead from your most recent book?

Ben Barnes (played Dorian Grey) would be great as Midnight Gunn.

How long does it take you to write a book?

Anything upwards of 10 months- I'm not a prolific writer. I homeschool my kids so that takes priority.

Do you carefully select the character names in your books or just use the ones that pop in your head at the time?

Names tend to present themselves when I get an idea of what type of person the character is going to be.

What was the first job you ever remember wanting to have as a child?

I wanted to be a vet but a very horrible physics teacher told me girls didn't do well at science.

Do you read all your reviews?

I used to, every single one! Not so much anymore, I tend to forget to look, to be honest, lol.

What did you do to celebrate when you published your first book?

I opened a bottle of pink champagne that my husband had bought me and got very happy drunk!