New Release
When the dawn breaks, a hero rises.
His power is beyond imagining.
Clark Kent has always been faster, stronger--better--than
everyone around him. But he wasn't raised to show off,
and drawing attention to himself could be dangerous.
Plus, it's not like he's earned his powers . . . yet.
But power comes with a price.
Lately it's difficult to hold back and keep his heroics in
the shadows. When Clark follows the sound of a girl cry-
ing, he comes across Gloria Alvarez and discovers a dark
secret lurking in Smallville. Turns out, Clark's not the on-
ly one hiding something. Teaming up with his best
friend, Lana Lang, he throws himself into the pursuit of
the truth. What evil lies below the surface of his small
town? And what will it cost Clark to learn about his past
as he steps into the light to become the future Man of
Steel? Because before he can save the world, he must
save Smallville.