New Release
Four ways to piss off the Queen of Hearts:
1. Have a name that sounds kind of like Alice.
2. Change the decor in her favorite club.
3. Destroy the magic she's used to hold Wonderland
in her cruel grasp.
4. Fail to offer your head in penance.
I didn't come to this bizarre, intoxicating place looking
for trouble, but I've sure as hell found it. As the
Queen retaliates viciously against the Spades' rebel-
lion, it's up to me and the three alluring men I've allied
with to save Wonderland before so many innocents
lose their heads.
Easier said than done. With Hatter tapping into his
inner Mad, Chess pulling a vanishing act, and the
White Knight revealing secrets darker than I could
have imagined, everything I counted on here has
turned upside down. When the swords come out, will
I even be able to save myself?