But the true mark of a healthy church is not defined by the appearance of its
building but rather the heart of its people. It’s about lifting Jesus’ name loud whether
we are in a majestic or mundane looking building.
It has been wonderful to see how we have continued to worship God in amongst the
'mess' of the refurbishments over the last 2 months. I think it shows that the condition of
our heart for worship is good! And so I look forward to the months and years ahead as
we worship our great God 'with all our heart' aided by our newly refurbished worship
The RBC Worship & Creative team has put in much planning and hands on work towards
this project. Peter Beck has done a tremendous job to deliver what I believe is a high
quality refurbishment that will set us up for the next generation of worshippers.
It has also been encouraging seeing Sen King Lim take a lead in the Audio department
and Gabe Lee in the Visual and Lighting department. Both have shown a wonderful heart
of servanthood and leadership. Continue to pray for these guys as they lead these areas
and for the many others who I haven’t named who have contributed significantly to the
project. Thanks everyone!
On another note, it has been great to welcome onto the team 9 new members of all
ages and to various roles throughout this year. We have been blessed by their
contribution so far and praise God for them!
Some have come through the youth development band that has been ably led by Mike
Harris – who has also undertaken a worship internship this year. Mike has grown and
developed as a leader within this team and our community.
It has been a thrill to see new lead worshippers for our Sunday morning gatherings.
Continue to pray that God raises up more quality leaders!
I have loved seeing some members of our team take up opportunities to serve and lead
in areas of worship outside the life of our church too. Abe Johnson has been the music
director for MYC & Commencement Camps with Evangelical Students. Mike Harris has
lead at BYG and will next year lead the Baptist Wide Youth Camp.