action which can impact your ability to rent properties in the future .
If you are concerned about your ability to pay your rent , we strongly advise you speak with your property manager before the problem occurs as there may be solutions or support options available to you .
Rent in advance
This is a concept that can be misleading due to its title and often creates confusion for tenants , especially at the end of any tenancy . ‘ Rent in advance ’ doesn ’ t mean that you have paid a lump sum of rent and therefore do not need to pay rent in your last week ( s ) of a tenancy . It refers to the obligation of a tenant to pay their rent before it comes due .
Rent payments operate on a ' pay before you stay ' basis , where payments are made for a future time period . Every regular rent payment coming from the tenant is due on or before the date on which the last payment is fully used .
To best understand the exact time period your rent is covered for and to ensure you remain paid in advance , we recommend you ask for a current rent ledger from your property manager , which they are obligated to provide if requested .