Emergency repairs
When general repairs are required at the property you should contact your property manager in writing to notify them . However , in cases where these repairs , or lack of repair , could cause injury to the tenant or damage to the property , they would be classed as an emergency repair .
These situations require quick and immediate action , and we recommend you try to call , text or email your property manager right away ( even if this is after hours or on weekend / public holiday ).
Emergency repair examples may include ( but are not limited to ):
• Water pipes that have broken or burst
• Blocked or broken toilet ( if a second toilet is not available )
• Serious roof leak
• Gas leak
• Dangerous electrical fault ( e . g . loose power point or live wire )
• Flooding or rain water inundation
• Serious storm or impact damage ( e . g . car impact into garage )
• Failure or breakdown of the gas , electricity or water supply to the premises
• Failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance required for water or cooking
• Hot water service failure .
If keys are not returned at the end of any tenancy , the tenant will be responsible for the cost of replacement locks and this can be deducted from the bond . No further keys are to be cut by the tenant without prior written consent from your property manager . This process is in place for your protection and security .
Asbestos may exist in some form at a property if it was built prior to the year 2000 and it is safe for occupants of the property , providing the material is in an adequate and stable condition .
Tenants should not to do work , drill , cut , or otherwise damage any wall or other surface of the property which may risk releasing asbestos fibers into the air .
If you have reasonable reason to suspect asbestos is present where it has not yet been identified , or you have any concerns , we recommend you contact your property manager .
Under Health and Safety at Work ( Asbestos ) Regulation 2016 , landlords and property managers must manage any asbestos-related risks when work is taking place at a property .
Your property manager will be sure in this situation to communicate with you where any risks may be present , as well as how to safeguard against these .
Pets & animals
Pets may only be kept at the property if you have first received written permission from your property manager or it is allowed for by way of a clause in your tenancy agreement . Failure to comply will put you in breach of your tenancy agreement and could affect your ability to continue living in the property .
Painting , decorating and renovating
Recent changes implemented by the RTA Amendment Act 2020 allow tenants to carry out minor alterations to their property , however , in all cases these still require written permission . For more information , see page 18 .