Ray White Now | Updated weekly Ray White Now | Vol 3 - 1 June 2020 | Page 18
Our full safety policy
for arranging or
conducting inspections
and auctions includes
the following:
• Check the occupants are not ill, self-isolating or under
quarantine before arranging and attending.
• Have hand sanitiser available at the entry of
the property.
• Arrange with the owner to prepare the property for
contactless inspections. Have key drawers, pantries
and wardrobes open and ready to view. Open as
many doors and windows as possible to minimise the
need for attendees to do the same. Attendees are to
be encouraged not to touch.
• We will limit the numbers stipulated as per
state requirements.
• We will schedule appropriate numbers and timings
for open inspections to ensure limits are adhered to.
• Where required we will enforce the 4 sqm rule and
collect details of contacts for tracing purposes.
• As a condition of entry, require attendees to indicate
that they are not ill, self-isolating or under quarantine
and have not returned from overseas in the last
14 days.
• Prohibit physical contact, including shaking hands.
We will greet you with a wave, bow or another
contactless greeting instead!
• Observe ‘physical distancing’ protocols of staying
1.5 metres away from others wherever possible.
• On completion, arrange to have any surfaces of
the home that were touched wiped down with
cleaning products.
• Arrange to have all surfaces of the home, including
benchtops and door handles, wiped down with
cleaning products.