Ray White Now | Updated weekly Ray White Now | 26 May | Page 5
Selling in the
current environment
Like most property owners, you’ll probably have questions
about what has and hasn’t changed in the way in which
properties are being marketed in the current environment.
Is now a good time to market my property for sale? Can it
be marketed safely? How can buyers inspect properties?
Can agents still conduct auctions? And so on.
We are concerned that our clients may make decisions to
stay out of the real estate market based on media reports
that often paint a negative picture.
We’ve created this document to provide clarity to all our
customers on what is happening in the market now. If
you are considering selling we explain how you can take
advantage of the current conditions to achieve the best
possible sales outcome.
We have successfully adapted our processes in order to
continue to safely fulfil the needs of our customers in the
current environment. The process of selling has changed
a little, yet our activity over the past two months has
shown that these processes are working very effectively.
The information is general information only, not financial advice, and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs.