Ray White Now | Updated weekly Ray White Now | 26 May | Page 3
The Australian real estate media is
dominated by negative speculation about
the property market and its future.
We prefer to talk to our customers about
what is happening now.
Last Saturday, our national auction clearance rate was 66 per cent. A fantastic result in
any market, at any time. This month, we are on track to have more registered bidders per
auction than we have ever had, averaging 4.6 registrations. Last week’s results underwrite
our promise to create competition and deliver excellent results for our customers.
Our May national auction campaign clearance rate sits at 53 per cent, which is marginally
down from the peak 2019 spring selling season and ahead of where it was in May 2019.
Despite the strong sales results, new listings coming onto the market per week continue
to fall. Now is a strong time to be selling property. Providing confidence to our clients who
are considering selling remains our challenge.