Ray White Now | The Power of Now Edition 65 | Page 3

But our national network of 197 branches and trans-Tasman expertise does offer certainty in service , as evidenced by the increasing numbers of Kiwis choosing to buy and sell property with Ray White .
For buyers and sellers , we could be amidst some of the best market conditions we ’ ve seen in 18 months .
With a new government at the helm , appraisal requests have increased , new listing numbers are lifting , and our brand continues to outperform our competitors on the auction stage , delivering higher clearance rates and excellent results for our sellers .
Additionally , new data from property platform realestate . co . nz shows a meaningful lift in buyer engagements with digital listings - up nearly 27 per cent year-on-year . This is another indication buyers are moving from a passive to a more active purchasing mindset .
As we approach the end-of-year deadline and the last call for marketing campaigns , our branches nationwide look forward to helping you to achieve your remaining property objectives and welcome your enquiry should you be considering your options .
We trust that this document will help you to gain a deeper understanding of present market conditions , and we are proud to share our observations and deep data set in this latest edition of Ray White Now .
Our dedicated real estate experts are working harder to bring you the knowledge and latest information to support informed decision-making , and we remain on-call through any of our 197 New Zealand branches for all of your propertyrelated requirements .
Please enjoy our 65th edition of Ray White Now .
Regards ,
Daniel Coulson Chief Executive , Ray White New Zealand