Ray White Now | One Quarter at a Time Edition 69 | Page 3

The conditions in which to buy and sell today , are the best they have been in a long time , with sellers benefitting from demand , choice and a growing proportion of finance pre-approved and ready-topurchase buyers .
Buyers , on the other hand , continue to be encouraged by improving credit conditions , which include the growing expectation that the next OCR move will likely be a rate cut this August .
While challenges remain , there is much cause for optimism this season . Lingering fluctuations mean stakeholders must lean on expert advice and the latest market pricing information for informed decisionmaking . However , we ’ re proud of the strong results achieved across our Ray White national network and look forward to showing you even more reasons why real estate results are better through the yellow door .
Please enjoy our 69th edition of Ray White Now .
Regards ,
Daniel Coulson Chief Executive Ray White New Zealand