Ray White Now - October 2023 | Page 7

Nearly all major cities saw listings decline in September , with the exception of Canberra . On a year-on-year basis , however , the trend is far more positive . Australian listings are up 3.1 per cent . Sydney is leading the charge with total listings up almost 26 per cent . More negatively , Brisbane and Darwin are still well below 2022 trends .
At this point , it does look like the supply / demand imbalance between people wanting to buy and the number of properties for sale will ensure that price growth continues . Ray White listing authorities ( the point at which a vendor signs to a Ray White agent but the property is not yet advertised ) pulled back in Sydney and Melbourne in September relative to August . If this trend continues , and starts to be observed in other states , it ’ s likely that this will be a contributor to continued price growth , alongside ongoing strong population growth and low housing supply .